February 1, 2011

Growing like weeds...

Today, WP celebrated his 21st month-day! How can it be that my sweet little 7lbs 6 oz baby boy is almost two years old?  Time moves way too fast when you have kids!  He is growing up more and more each day, his vocabulary is expanding by leaps and bounds, he's trying to figure out how to jump (which might be the cutest thing ever), he loves to read books, to play catch and peek-a-boo, he adores his little sister, Rocko is his best friend and his Daddy is his hero!

Last weekend, we headed to the park for some family bonding and to take advantage of the amazingly wonderful 70 degree spring-like day on Saturday.  WP had a blast, CE slept through most of the trip.  WP was a little timid of going down the "big boy" slide by himself but he loved it when DH and I took turns holding him as we slid down the slide. 

WP was super excited about our day at the park


I think a swing set for our backyard may be an ideal birthday present for WP!

WP - 21 months old!

Somebody woke up right before we headed home from the park!!

WP's latest words (in addition to the ones previously listed):
  • drum
  • blast off
  • cac-cac (cookie)
  • apple
  • bear
  • orange
  • pear
  • leash
  • swing
  • cheese
  • green
  • red
  • Aunt Diana
  • Andrew
  • "I do"
  • pot
  • car ride
  • help
  • hide
  • cow
  • "what's that"
  • picture
  • stuck
  • help
  • peek-a-boo
  • snack
  • yogurt
  • pig
  • purple
  • hot
  • cold
  • doctor
  • light (and "light on" and "light off")
  • three
  • four
  • five (all though he doesn't truly understand the concept of counting)
On January 28, 2011, CE turned 5 months old.  We started her on rice cereal and she has really taken to it!  She still wakes up once or twice a night so we'll be addressing that with the doctor at her six month check up at the end of this month.  I weighed her today and she came in at 16 lbs .5 oz which puts her in the 50-75th percentile for her age.  She is definitely trying to become more mobile...she is rolling non-stop and trying to work on her army crawl.  She wants to be able to keep up with her big brother so badly.  DH and I already knew that WP was a funny guy, but CE goes into absolute fits of laughter around him...it's just plain cute!

In non-baby news, R's company announced that they have postponed their plans to open the Charleston office...wish we had known this news before we sold our house, but so is life.  Luckily, we have found a nice 4 bedroom/3 bathroom house in a lovely neighborhood that we are going to rent for a year.  Our lease starts Feb. 15th so we will be able to get out of this horrible apartment and into a home with a fenced backyard (much better for Rocko and the kids), a real kitchen with appliances that actual function properly, a two-car garage, room for the kids to play, space for us to actually sit at a table as a family instead of DH and WP sitting at the bar and me standing in the kitchen to eat our meals.

Here's a few more cute pictures of the kids:

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